Go Fish Devotional - Week 7

My Pond Matters; identifying your neighbors


We all have a pond. This pond is characterized by the people that surround us, the places we go, and where we spend our time. Your pond matters. It matters because this is the place where you will minister. You don’t need to leave your pond, you don’t need to go outside of it because there are plenty of people surrounding you who need your connection.

Devotion Review

Have you a had a chance to read the devotionals this week? If not, they’re not long, in fact the longest part about them is the Bible devotions. That’s a good thing. Take a few minutes and read “My Pond Matters.” The scripture will enrich and encourage you, and the thoughts will help strengthen your conversation today.

  • What particular scriptures jumped out at you?
  • Which of the devotions impacted you and why?

Who Is My Neighbor?

Our neighbor is anyone that we cross paths on a weekly or daily basis. Every time you pass that person, you make a conscious decision to engage them, or not. We can choose to intentionally keep our “church life” separate from our “work life,” “school life,” or “play life,” or you intentionally try to make meaningful connections with others to share your testimony.

Have someone read Matthew 5:43-48

  • What does this scripture teach us to when faced with opposition?

Have someone read Matthew 19:16-19

  • How do we love our neighbor as ourselves?

Have someone read Matthew 22:34-40

  • According to all the scriptures read, why is it important to love our neighbor as ourselves?
  • Who is our neighbor?


The Good Samaritan

The story of the Good Samaritan is an example of being a neighbor to someone. First, the story of the Good Samaritan is example of how to meet someone in need: we help by expending our own time and resources to help someone in need. Second, the Samaritan embodies the characteristics of Matthew 5:43-48. Because the Jews considered the Samaritans as their enemies, the Samaritan put his own life at risk by assisting with the sick man. The story is an example for us to demonstrate mercy to others, and bearing the burden and cost of assisting, even when it could be a perceived enemy.

Have the group read Luke 10:25-37.

  • What does this scripture show us about mercy and vulnerability towards our neighbor?

Have someone read Matthew 25:41-46

  • How does the scripture admonish us to treat those that are in a condition like the robbed man in the story of the Good Samaritan?

Have someone read Matthew 25:31-40

  • Why does the scripture instruct us to treat someone who is in need with mercy, bearing the burden and cost of assisting?


The Worship Center

Our worship center must be a place where people experience God’s unconditional love, his unconditional acceptance and they must envision themselves as belonging to that experience. God’s love is unconditional, he accepts any and all who comes to Him, and people do envision themselves as part of the body, so if they don’t feel like that in our worship center, we’ve failed in part of the Great Commission.

  • Who are you more like?: the Good Samaritan, the Levite, or the Priest?

Have someone read Matthew 9:9-13

  • What does this scripture show us about how we should receive others into our worship center and fellowship?

Have the group read Luke 15:1-10

  • How does this scripture teach us to respond to those who come into the corporate worship center hurting and needing God?

Have someone read Luke 15:11-13, another 17-21, and another 22-23

  • According to the story of the prodigal son, why should we receive those who come into the worship center?
  • What does these scripture teach us about ministering to those who come in broken and in need?


My Pond Matters

Our pond is the area that we travel weekly and the people we interact with. This is our daily life as well as when we go to the corporate worship center. You have chances to connect with people every day who don’t go to church, and you have a chance to connect with people who you go to church with. It matters how you connect with them, how you share your testimony, and how you engage.

Have someone read John 4:4-12

  • What does this scripture show us about Jesus’ pond?

Have someone read John 4:13-20

  • How does this scripture show us about Jesus’ intentional living while at the well?

Have someone read John 4:21-29

  • Examining this story, why should we live intentionally lives ministering to our neighbors?