Are you a Junior or Senior High student? Simply put... FUEL Student Ministries is for you!
Our Youth Pastor and Family

Jonathan and Tiffany Stoimenoff
We’re excited that you’re interested in Fuel, and the Pentecostals of Kentwood. You may have been to other churches before, or maybe this is your first time connecting with a youth group. Whatever your situation is, we want you to feel comfortable connecting with God, and make meaningful connections with the people of this church. It’s my personal desire that you feel welcome and an important part of what God is doing here. I’m a firm believer that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone, and I’d love to help you see what God sees in you.
~Jonathan Stoimenoff
Fuel students participate in the worship service at POK through singing, worship, and volunteer opportunities.
Wednesday Evenings
The Fuel students gather for group studies, worship, and social times.
Friday Evenings
Fridays are various group activities like entertainment, crowd participation games, road trips, rallies, and more.

We Connect
We connect with God through worship, and other students through social activities.

We Grow
We grow in our relationship with God by attending group studies and personal devotions.

We Serve
We serve others through volunteer opportunities in the church.

We Go
We go into our world to bring lost people to a relationship with Christ.