Connect Groups

Lead a Connect Group

So, you want to help Connect more people to Christ and see people grow in their faith as you take next steps together? Awesome! Following is some important information about how to get started.

A few things we require of our Group Leaders…

  • you are a member of POK
  • you’re at least 18 years of age
  • you agree to be the designated group coordinator
  • you regularly attend Worship and Growth Groups, and encourage your Connect Group participants to do the same

A few things you’ll agree to…

  • manage a roster of your group’s participants, including names and contact information
  • fill out an online attendance form after each of your meetings
  • schedule your group to meet at least once per month

Coordinators accept responsibility for scheduling their own events and communicating the event schedule with those on their roster. Groups can meet as often as they would like, with a minimum of once per month, and cannot be scheduled over any POK activity or service.

How will my group be advertised?

All Connect Groups will be listed in our online catalog, and available printed at the Information Center in the lobby. The best form of advertising is still word-of-mouth, so encourage those on your roster to invite their friends to participate.

Can my Connect Group use the church building?

Our preference is for groups to meet in homes or other locations, where community grows best. Use of the church facilities will be determined on an individual basis.

Is there anything else I need to know about Connect Groups?

We ask that every Connect Group begin and end with prayer. While we’re gathering to have fun, prayer helps us stay focused on the ultimate reason for groups – helping people connect with Christ.

Sign up to Lead

If you’re interested in leading a Connect Group, just fill out the form below, and our Groups coordinator will be in touch with you shortly. Thank you for your willingness to serve!