Future Proof - Discussion 2

Living a life that changes the world

Discussion Topic: Praying Through Trouble


Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.

Mission Talk

Each week you’ll spend some time sharing about the previous week’s mission. What was your mission, what were your results, and what did you learn from it?


Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.

Read Acts 4:23-31

  1. One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
  2. Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.


  1. Choose one person to begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person each week is great!)
  2. As a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it.


Together, share around the group how the topic and scripture setting applies to your life personally, and to the mission and direction of our Church.

Here are some thoughts to consider for discussion… don’t let the discussion stop here, though… what questions can you ask that will help uncover God’s message?

  • What does this passage tell us about God?
  • What does this passage tell us about ourselves?
  • When Peter and John were released, who did they go to, and what value would they find in doing this?
    • How could we practice this example, and what good would it do for us?
    • Share a personal experience when this happened in your life.
  • What was the group’s response to hearing about the Peter and John’s persecution?
  • What does it mean to pray with “one mind” or “one accord”?
  • Though many people were praying, this passage only records one prayer. Why?
  • Is it more likely that they all prayed the same words, or that many people prayed individual prayers?
  • Why do you think they started their prayer by praising God? What value does this offer?
  • Their prayer referenced David praying prophetically in Psalm 2:1. What does this tell us about God’s foreknowledge of our sufferings? How can this help our mindset as we pray?
  • Though Peter and John were personally threatened, who were they really against (v. 27)? In what ways does this speak of our modern-day persecution and spiritual battles?
  • What did they pray God would grant them in response to their circumstances?
  • What supernatural things did they request God to do, and why? How would these things be performed, and experienced?
  • What did they experience as a result of their prayers?
  • Was this the first time they had been filled with the Holy Spirit? What does this tell you about how God wants to engage you regularly?
  • What actions did they take after praying?
  • How can you use the example from this passage to guide your own response to trouble?
  • Share a personal experience where united prayers turned your circumstance around.


In light of what we now know about this passage, what is God calling you to do this week? As a group, take just a couple of minutes to silently pray to God asking, “Lord, what do you want me to do this week because of what I’ve seen today?” Briefly write this down as a personal mission statement for the week,

“Lord, this week, I will __________________________.”

Some possible suggestions:

  • Lord, this week I will ask someone to join me in prayer for a specific need.
  • Lord, this week I will pray deeply until I am filled with your Spirit again.
  • Lord, this week I will pray for specific action steps through my situation.
  • Lord, this week I will share my faith with someone, in the boldness you provide me.
  • Lord, this week I will step out in faith to pray over someone for a miracle.
  • Even better, write your own!

Next Week’s Scriptures

For next week’s discussion, read Acts 9:10-19.