Future Proof - Discussion 5

Living a life that changes the world

Discussion Topic: Faith for the Miraculous


Pray together for the group meeting, and any pressing needs within the group.

Mission Talk

Each week you’ll spend some time sharing about the previous week’s mission. What was your mission, what were your results, and what did you learn from it?


Watch the following discussion-starter video. It’ll set the topic of discussion for the group.

Read Acts 9:36-43

  1. One person will first read the scripture selection in the King James Version.
  2. Next, another person will read the same passages in a modern language or amplified version for more clarity such as the New Living Translation (NLT), Message Bible (MSG), New English Translation (NET), Amplified Bible (AMP), etc. We recommend using the YouVersion Bible app.


  1. Choose one person to begin retelling the scripture passage in their own words (a new person each week is great!)
  2. As a group, work together to fill in gaps and build the story. This will help us internalize and own it.


Together, share around the group how the topic and scripture setting applies to your life personally, and to the mission and direction of our Church.

Here are some thoughts to consider for discussion… don’t let the discussion stop here, though… what questions can you ask that will help uncover God’s message?

  • What do we know about Dorcas’ faith, based on verse 36?
  • Was her death sudden, or gradual?
  • Were the others convinced that she was dead? How might we know this?
  • How long might Dorcas have been dead before she was placed in the upper room?
  • What are some reasons that nobody in Joppa raised Dorcas back to life?
  • Why do you think the disciples in Joppa knew that Peter was in Lydda?
  • Someone had the idea to bring Peter there, why do you think they would want him to come? What were they expecting to happen?
  • What role do you think expectation has in the miraculous happening?
  • Why might Peter be more successful at this particular time in working a miracle than the others?
  • Joppa was about 12 miles from Lydda. By foot, how long would it take someone to fetch Peter back to the house?
  • Peter went with them, knowing that the woman was dead. What does this tell us about Peter’s faith?
  • The widows were gathered around Peter and Dorcas crying, and reminiscing about Dorcas. What does this tell us about their current level of faith?
  • What did Peter do to the widows, and why?
  • What role might doubt play in determining whether a miracle will happen or not?
  • Have you struggled with doubt regarding a miracle? How did you overcome it?
  • Immediately after dealing with the widows, what did Peter do? What does this tell us about the source of miracles?
  • We aren’t given the words to Peter’s prayer, but why do you think he prayed, and what might he have said?
  • After Peter prayed, what did he do to Dorcas/Tabitha?
  • Did he ask, or command, and what might be significant about this?
  • What does this tell us about Peter’s level of faith at that moment?
  • What happened to Dorcas when Peter spoke?
  • Notice that Peter told her to “arise”, not just to “come back to life”. What does this tell us about what we should expect in a miracle?
  • After Peter helped her up, who did he present her to? What effect might this have had on their faith?
  • How did the word spread about Dorcas’ miracle? What does this tell us about how we should respond when we experience the miraculous?
  • What was the result of the testimony of Dorcas being spread?
  • Have you ever had a miracle happen to you?
  • Have you ever been used by God to bring about a miracle?
  • Share an example of a miracle you’ve personally witnessed.


In light of what we now know about this passage, what is God calling you to do this week? As a group, take just a couple of minutes to silently pray to God asking, “Lord, what do you want me to do this week because of what I’ve seen today?” Briefly write this down as a personal mission statement for the week,

“Lord, this week, I will __________________________.”

Some possible suggestions:

  • Lord, this week I will pray to be used in the gift of healing.
  • Lord, this week I will share a testimony of healing with an unbeliever.
  • Lord, this week I will exercise my faith by _________________.
  • Lord, this week I will pray and come in expectation for miracles to happen in our Sunday service.
  • Even better, write your own!

Next Week’s Scriptures

For next week’s discussion, read Acts 10:1-20.