“I have loved you with an everlasting love…” (Jeremiah 31:3)

Notice the strange combination of wording in this verse? It’s not “I will love you” or “I’m going to love you”… rather “I have loved you” – meaning that not only has God loved us a long time; He has actually loved us before time was even invented!

Maybe you thought that when the doctor held you up as a brand new baby, God looked down and said “How cute! I think I’ll love that little bundle of joy forever!” Or perhaps you were under the impression that Jesus didn’t smile on you until you were born again?

Well perhaps His smile got a little bigger that day, but His love was coming your way before you even came your way!

So how does that make you feel?

I don’t know about you, but that blows me away. God’s love for me is the most constant and unchanging thing in the universe. In fact, it will still be going long after the universe is gone!

You know what else? You will never lose God’s love for you. You are the apple of God’s eye!

If there was ever any possibility of God losing His affection towards you, it would have happened a long time ago, because He’s loved you for a long time.

If we could only let just a little bit of that truth sink in, it would change our lives completely…

  • We wouldn’t worry about “being good enough”
  • We wouldn’t care as much about what people think
  • We wouldn’t stress out about whether anyone likes us
  • We would always know that Someone cares
  • And so on and so on.

This week, try focusing on this truth, and see if it doesn’t help you have a “lovely” day!


On a scale of 1-10, how much do you feel loved?

How has God’s love changed you?

What is your biggest worry in life, and how does this verse affect it?